Date & Time



Marrawuddi Arts
2 Gregory Place, Jabiru, NT, 0886


Marrawuddi Gallery

As part of this years Kakadu Bird week Marrawuddi will be hosting a display exhibiting Irene Henry and Harold Goodman’s cockatoos.

Irene Henry and Harold Goodman are partners and master artists of bird sculptures, they both live at the Kakadu Outstation of Mamukala, a bird dreamscape. Irene’s family are from Tiwi islands, which are represented through her artistic narrative of painting. Harold’s incredible skill for carving complements Irene’s work beautifully.  “My cousin brother used to make bird’s, Roy’s dad used to make the Jabiru bird. Then Harold got the idea of doing Cockatoo. The Black Cockatoo plays an important role in Tiwi ceremony. Harold has to look at the tree first to see if it’s strong enough [for carving], you can tell when that stringy bark peels off, then you can see if it’s right to cut it and do carving.” – Irene Henry